Triangle strategy engine
Triangle strategy engine

triangle strategy engine

I would understand the reluctance to add the shape to the engine if it was a brand new feature request, but this was something the engine already had available in the past, so I do not understand why it could not be added back. If you are trying to save space by removing the triangle, why on earth do we have 2 of the same shape, just with different rotations? One of which is just a rotated version of the other. On top of this, we already have 2 hexagons. Using your point, I could create a hexagon with 6 equilateral triangles, so why was the triangle removed instead of the hexagon? The procedure to create the triangle that you showed in your post is for a right triangle which has wildly different tiling. The fact that the triangle was equilateral also allowed it to be tiled in a formation only possible with an equilateral triangle. The triangle has distinct orientations in all 8 directions (up down left right and all combinations of these), so it makes for a great debugging tool for applications that require rotations in 4 or 8 directions. The square look identical in 90 degree and 180 degree slices. The diamond is not good enough as it identical in 180 degree slices. I personally used the triangle in the past in order to prototype bullet hell games, as the triangle allows you to easily see the direction, something that the rest of the shapes do not allow. You can use it for things like placeholder player, enemy, projectile, or floortile art.

triangle strategy engine

You could use it to indicate a direction when you are testing object rotation scripts. Dirige a un grupo de hroes como Serinoa, heredero de la casa Wolffort, a travs de una enredada historia donde tus decisiones marcarn la diferencia y las decisiones clave influirn en la. Click to expand.An equilateral triangle can be used for a variety of reasons.

Triangle strategy engine